“UNIVERSAL BUSINESS SOLUTIONS” LLC is the only company in Armenia that entered into an agreement with the state body of the Register to provide Registry services in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, in accordance with the decision Of the Government of the Republic of Armenia dated December 10, 2013 N 1110-N.
Thanks to the diligent efforts of “UNIVERSAL BUSINESS SOLUTIONS” LLC and the “Association of SME Accountants in the Republic of Armenia”, a B2B organization was created that provides Registry services. B2B completely replaces the state body of the Register and provides services of the Register’s service department efficiently and in a very short time. Besides, the consultation is free. In addition to providing registration services, the organization also provides services for setting up a company, tax consulting, etc.
The company has more than 35 branches operating in accordance with the B2B concept in Armenia.
The provision of Registry services by a non-governmental body in Armenia is unprecedented.
Registration services via B2B are provided in the following way:
“The client enters B2B in order to solve a problem/open a business/get answers to questions, and the specialists immediately perform everything that the client needs”
With the help of Universal Business Solutions Armenia, the “SINGLE BUSINESS WINDOW” platform offers the following products for the start-UPS and existing businesses: